Light Years

This exquisite, resonant novel is a brilliant portrait of marriage by a contemporary American master. Even as he lingers over the lustrous surface of Viri and Nedra's marriage, James Salter makes us see the cracks that are spreading through it, flaws that will in time mar it beyond repair. "An unexpectedly moving ode to beautiful lives frayed by time".

Booko found 12 book editions

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Jun, 2018

Jan, 2014

Jan, 2014

Feb, 2011

Oct, 2000

Jun, 1977

May, 1976

Jan, 2013
New: $32.37

Used: $23.36
United Kingdom Mar, 2007
New: $21.60

Used: $17.96
Aug, 2003

Used: $32.44
Jan, 1982
New: $101.95

Used: $30.22
Jan, 1975
New: $393.30

Used: $177.55

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