Four to Score

Stephanie Plum Novels #4

Janet Evanovich now lives in New Hampshire but, like Stephanie Plum, grew up in New Jersey. She has won major crime fiction awards for her Stephanie Plum novels, including the CWA John Creasey Memorial, the Dilys on two occasions, the CWA Last Laugh and the CWA Silver Dagger for Three to Get Deadly.

Booko found 70 book editions

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Oct, 2013

Feb, 2013

Jan, 2012
New: $60.00

Used: $302.84
Oct, 2010

Used: $79.61
Apr, 2010

Apr, 2010

Oct, 2009
New: $59.36

Used: $82.84
Sep, 2009

Jul, 2006
New: $90.32

Used: $43.07
Jun, 2005

Jun, 2005

Feb, 2005

Used: $31.83
Feb, 2005

Feb, 2004

Used: $10.79
Apr, 2002

Used: $24.19
May, 2001
New: $57.86

Used: $15.62
Dec, 2000

May, 2000
New: $473.21

Used: $17.41
Feb, 2000

Jun, 1999

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