
The well-known astronomer presents an illustrated guide to the universe and to Earth's relationship to it, moving from theories of creation to humankind's discovery of the cosmos, to general relativity, to space missions, and beyond

Booko found 40 book editions

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Apr, 2022
New: $88.26

Jun, 2017
New: $47.77

May, 2017

Sep, 2016

Aug, 2016

Apr, 2016

Sep, 2015

May, 2015

Jul, 2011

Jul, 2011

Sep, 1993

Aug, 1983

Used: $43.54
Sep, 1980

Jan, 1980
New: $103.65

Used: $32.86

May, 2017

May, 2017
New: $37.89

Mar, 2017
New: $117.09

Used: $78.27
Dec, 2013
New: $36.69

Used: $29.99
Jan, 2010
New: $149.89

Used: $61.18

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