Pimp: The Story of My Life

The ultimate anti-hero, Iceberg Slim, takes you into the secret inner world of the pimp, and the smells, the sounds, the fears and petty triumphs of his world. A legendary figure of the Chicago underworld, this is his story: from defending his mother against the evil men she brought into their lives, to becoming a giant of the streets. A seething tale of brutality, cunning and greed, Pimp is a harrowing portrait of life on the wrong side of the tracks, and a rich warning from a true survivor.

Booko found 32 book editions

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May, 2011

May, 2011

May, 2011

Jan, 2011

Oct, 2001

Apr, 1999

Jul, 2011

May, 2011

May, 2011

May, 2011
New: $31.69

Used: $26.71
May, 2011

United Kingdom May, 2009
New: $185.03

Used: $15.98
Feb, 2009

Nov, 2008

Feb, 2002

Used: $17.69

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