Brukner & Khan's Clinical Sports Medicine

A Doody's Core Title! Clinical Sports Medicine has established itself as the authoritative reference for clinicians who treat musculoskeletal conditions and prescribe activity. New to this Edition: Currency: Includes six new chapters, with all others substantially revised; this edition successfully integrates research discoveries with the latest clinical developments in physiotherapy and medicine Full Color: Completely new art program, in full color, highlights key concepts in a visual and appealling manner Patiend Education: A Bonus CD contains a comprehensive set of Patient Information Sheets for both common and rare sports injuries. Excellent for clinicians in consultations and forms an effective study tool for students Clinical Sports Medicine takes a multidisciplinary perspective and is designed for practicing clinicians including physiotherapists, general practitioners, and remedial massage therapists. It is essential reading for students in these fields.

Booko found 8 book editions and 1 video edition

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Apr, 2017
New: $105.64

Used: $253.87
Jan, 2017
New: $859.26

Used: $87.27
United States Jan, 2012
New: $472.21

Used: $62.93
United States Aug, 2009
New: $171.77

Used: $30.10
United States Aug, 2006
New: $28.00

Used: $38.99
Aug, 2006
New: $161.04

Used: $34.67
Aug, 2002
New: $157.74

Used: $28.27
Dec, 2000
New: $174.51

Used: $29.23
Apr, 1993

Used: $45.54

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