The Shallows

Is Google making us stupid? In this extraordinary new book, as incendiary as it's important, Nicholas Carr argues that the internet is changing dramatically how we think, remember and interact.

Booko found 11 book editions

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Sep, 2020
New: $20.99

Used: $18.71
Aug, 2013
New: $8.60

United Kingdom Aug, 2011
New: $46.19

Used: $16.45
Jun, 2011
New: $41.51

Used: $15.79
Feb, 2011

Used: $122.94
Sep, 2010
New: $28.31

Used: $22.01
United Kingdom Aug, 2010

Used: $17.52
Jun, 2010
New: $47.49

Used: $22.67
Jun, 2010

Used: $56.83
Jun, 2010
New: $76.37

Jun, 2010
New: $71.38

Used: $48.14

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