Beyond a boundary

Great claims have been made for [Beyond a Boundary] since its first appearance in 1963: that it is the greatest sports book ever written; that it brings the outsider a privileged insight into West Indian culture; that it is a severe examination of the colonial condition. All are true. Sunday Times [Beyond a Boundary] remains among the five best cricket books ever written, and anyone who has not encountered it should seize the chance now. Sunday Telegraph . . . not only the most finely crafted book on cricket ever written, it is also the most penetrating study of pre-Independence West Indian society. The Times . . . a complex interweaving of the history and development of West Indian cricket into the tapestry of West Indian politics and history. . . .A rich and rewarding mix, this was one of the first books to demonstrate how penetratingly good sports books can be. Arena

Booko found 11 book editions

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Jun, 2013
New: $42.39

Used: $41.40
United Kingdom Jul, 2007
New: $16.99

United Kingdom Jul, 2007
New: $290.21

Used: $20.88
United Kingdom Jul, 2005
New: $224.27

Used: $15.75
United Kingdom Jul, 1997

Used: $33.93
Mar, 1994

Used: $17.98
Dec, 1993
New: $85.52

Used: $39.75
Oct, 1986

Used: $33.83
Feb, 1984

Used: $75.12
Jan, 1983

Used: $62.33
Aug, 1969

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