The Sixth Extinction

An Unnatural History

A major book about the future of the world, blending natural history, field reporting and the history of ideas and into a powerful account of the mass extinction happening today

Booko found 47 book editions

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Sep, 2015

Jan, 2015

Feb, 2014

Jan, 2020
New: $87.33

Sep, 2015
New: $4.92

Mar, 2015
New: $21.79

Used: $16.50
Jan, 2015

Jan, 2015
New: $33.22

Used: $24.22
Jan, 2015

Jan, 2015

Jan, 2015
New: $84.99

Used: $112.85
Jan, 2015
New: $32.75

May, 2014

Mar, 2014
New: $74.62

Used: $28.37
Mar, 2014

Used: $70.16
Feb, 2014
New: $14.47

Feb, 2014
New: $8.59

Feb, 2014

Used: $33.32
Feb, 2014

Feb, 2014

Feb, 2014
New: $15.99

Feb, 2014
New: $155.51

Used: $26.52
Feb, 2014

Feb, 2014
New: $54.59

Used: $26.64
Jan, 2015
New: $279.21

Used: $165.50
Jul, 2014
New: $1,515.86

Used: $36.49
Feb, 2017
New: $42.43

Used: $24.91
Sep, 2015

Aug, 2015
New: $62.52

Used: $29.88
Aug, 2015

Apr, 2015
New: $102.00

Used: $34.10
Mar, 2015

Oct, 2014

Jan, 2015
New: $103.53

Used: $600.25

Jan, 2016

May, 2016

Nov, 2015

Nov, 2014

New: $63.53

Jan, 2016

Jan, 2016

May, 2015
New: $68.67

Used: $81.30
Nov, 2014

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