Perfect Match

In her most soulful and intimate novel to date, Jodi Picoult paints an indelible portrait of a family in anguish. Published to coincide with her new book, Second Glance.

Booko found 32 book editions and 1 video edition

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Australia May, 2009
New: $20.00

Used: $19.21
Mar, 2006

Australia Apr, 2003

May, 2002

Nov, 2015
New: $66.63

Used: $22.37
Sep, 2014
New: $20.69

Used: $16.99
Nov, 2013
New: $40.93

Nov, 2013

Nov, 2013

Feb, 2013

Apr, 2011
New: $12.99

May, 2009
New: $12.99

Jan, 2009

Mar, 2008
New: $39.92

Used: $15.24
Mar, 2008
New: $31.90

Used: $12.64
Mar, 2008

Used: $16.09

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