Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever

Diary of a Wimpy Kid #6


Booko found 53 book editions

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Jan, 2015

Oct, 2012

Oct, 2012

May, 2012

Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011

Aug, 2010

Used: $29.70

Feb, 2017
New: $52.26

Used: $36.69
Oct, 2015
New: $141.21

Jun, 2014
New: $32.85

Used: $14.30
May, 2013

Used: $10.99
Apr, 2013
New: $23.55

Used: $14.67
Feb, 2013
New: $51.94

Used: $34.80
Jan, 2013
New: $20.88

Used: $9.00
Nov, 2012

Used: $23.16
Oct, 2012
New: $4.99

Oct, 2012

Jun, 2012
New: $18.28

Used: $15.71
Jun, 2012
New: $32.98

Used: $15.18
May, 2012

Used: $72.07
Nov, 2011
New: $215.91

Used: $58.52
Nov, 2011
New: $61.40

Used: $14.80
Australia Nov, 2011
New: $11.90

Used: $11.50
Nov, 2011
New: $56.71

Used: $10.00
Nov, 2011
New: $21.61

Used: $12.96
Nov, 2011

Nov, 2011
New: $116.13

Used: $102.57
Jan, 1707
New: $30.86

Used: $18.71

Apr, 2016
New: $95.71

Used: $257.91
Jul, 2013
New: $53.58

Used: $27.03
May, 2013
New: $92.31

Used: $63.79
May, 2013

Apr, 2013
New: $217.21

Used: $59.06
Sep, 2012
New: $60.41

Used: $42.55
Nov, 2012
New: $54.23

Used: $31.89
Jan, 2012
New: $62.13

Used: $125.86
Sep, 2014
New: $104.99

Used: $37.36
Dec, 2011
New: $35.09

Used: $28.93
Sep, 2012

Used: $100.79
Jun, 2012
New: $50.22

Used: $52.71
Apr, 2012

Booko collects this information from user contributions and sources on the internet - it is not a definitive list of editions. Search Booko for other editions of Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Cabin Fever.