
Raina Telgemeier Series #2

Callie rides an emotional roller coaster while serving on the stage crew for a middle school production of Moon over Mississippi as various relationships start and end, and others never quite get going.

Booko found 19 book editions

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Aug, 2016

New: $168.21

Jan, 2021

Jan, 2017
New: $32.80

Used: $28.49
Jul, 2014
New: $8.99

Jul, 2014
New: $8.99

Sep, 2012

Sep, 2012

Sep, 2012
New: $46.16

Used: $29.36
Sep, 2012
New: $12.50

Used: $11.00
Jul, 2018
New: $29.31

Used: $41.19
Jul, 2018
New: $8.99

May, 2018
New: $65.61

Used: $729.42
Apr, 2013
New: $49.99

Used: $31.05
Sep, 2018
New: $51.80

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