
Raina Telgemeier Series #3

In a semi-autobiographical graphic novel, Raina's disappointing bond with a cranky, independent younger sister is further challenged by the arrival of a baby brother and an estrangement in their parents' marriage.

Booko found 23 book editions

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Used: $30.54

Nov, 2021
New: $26.06

Used: $21.28
Jan, 2017
New: $32.80

Used: $25.53
Sep, 2014
New: $15.90

Used: $13.07
Sep, 2014

Aug, 2014
New: $8.99

Aug, 2014
New: $139.21

Used: $75.45
Aug, 2014
New: $45.07

Used: $27.95
Aug, 2014
New: $8.99

Aug, 2014

Dec, 1552
New: $38.81

Used: $18.59
Jul, 2017
New: $33.82

Used: $31.59
Jul, 2017
New: $78.95

Used: $151.92
Nov, 2014
New: $74.21

Used: $47.80
Nov, 2014
New: $49.99

Used: $28.93
Feb, 2015
New: $152.21

Used: $54.52
Sep, 2015
New: $49.14

Used: $47.26
Jan, 2015

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