The Dark Secret

Wings of Fire #1st Arc, 4

When Starflight, one of the dragonets of destiny, is kidnapped by the NightWings, he finds that the kingdom of his birth is a miserable place, full of terrible secrets--and that, with his fellow dragonets too far away to help, the fate of two kingdoms rests in his talons.

Booko found 18 book editions

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Oct, 2014

Oct, 2013
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Dec, 2020
New: $47.62

Used: $30.05
Dec, 2020
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Used: $18.85
Feb, 2020
New: $70.32

Used: $70.32
Feb, 2020
New: $33.19

Used: $49.04
Aug, 2017
New: $23.81

Used: $28.48
Mar, 2017
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Oct, 2014
New: $57.40

Used: $21.09
Sep, 2014
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Sep, 2014
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Used: $15.36
Oct, 2013
New: $4.99

Oct, 2013
New: $39.45

Used: $18.55
Oct, 2013

Oct, 2013
New: $7.83

Feb, 2016
New: $43.66

Used: $42.52

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