
Whisper #2

I already knew he was a psychopath. But now? He's more dangerous than ever. And I have less than twenty-four hours to stop him. After escaping Lengard and finding sanctuary with the Remnants, Alyssa Scott is desperate to save those she left behind - and the rest of the world - from the power-hungry scientist, Kendall Vanik. But secrets and lies block her at every turn, and soon Lyss is left questioning everything she has ever believed. When long-lost memories begin to surface and the mysteries of her past continue to grow, Lyss battles to retain her hard-won control. Allies become enemies and enemies become allies, leaving her certain about only two things- when it comes to Speakers, nothing is ever as it seems... and the only person she can trust is herself.

Part of the series Whisper

Booko found 8 book editions

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Feb, 2020
New: $51.67

Used: $94.71
Nov, 2019
New: $65.27

Nov, 2019

Nov, 2019

Nov, 2019
New: $5.99

Nov, 2019
New: $22.29

Used: $21.25
Nov, 2019
New: $30.89

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