The Empty Pot

When Ping admits that he is the only child in China unable to grow a flower from the seeds distributed by the Emperor, he is rewarded for his honesty.

Booko found 11 book editions

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Jan, 1995

Used: $21.18
Feb, 2015

Apr, 2009
New: $64.04

Oct, 2007
New: $80.76

Used: $28.57
Sep, 1996
New: $23.36

Used: $20.33
Sep, 1996
New: $75.50

Used: $117.29
Dec, 1993

United States Apr, 1992
New: $164.85

Used: $35.70
Mar, 1990
New: $37.68

Used: $26.31
Jan, 1990
New: $54.34

Used: $31.80
Jan, 1990
New: $54.34

Used: $25.85

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