How I Met My Son

'The sky didn’t fall, and our family didn’t fall apart. We just started using different pronouns. Oh, I had to change the name stored in my phone with his number. That was a bit of a pain.’ Yolanda Bogert, a mum from regional Queensland, made worldwide news when she placed a notice in a Brisbane newspaper in December 2014. It read: ‘A Retraction. In 1995 we announced the arrival of our sprogget, Elizabeth Anne, as a daughter. He informs us that we were mistaken. Oops! Our bad. We would now like to present, our wonderful son – Kai Bogert. Loving you is the easiest thing in the world. Tidy your room.’ This is the story of Yolanda and her son Kai. As a teenage mum, Yolanda formed a close-knit bond with her child. Now, together, Yolanda and Kai deal with issues of acceptance, religion and tradition in a heart-warming story of love in transition.

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Apr, 2016

Apr, 2016
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Apr, 2016

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Apr, 2016
New: $9.89

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