A Dirty Job

Grim Reaper #1

Charlie Asher is a pretty normal guy with a normal life, married to a bright and pretty woman who actually loves him for his normalcy. They're even about to have their first child. Yes, Charlie's doing okay—until people start dropping dead around him, and everywhere he goes a dark presence whispers to him from under the streets. Charlie Asher, it seems, has been recruited for a new position: as Death.

It's a dirty job. But, hey! Somebody's gotta do it.

Part of the series Grim Reaper

Booko found 61 book editions

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Apr, 2007
New: $34.35

Used: $18.69
Aug, 2006
New: $156.62

Used: $35.46
Apr, 2006
New: $58.67

Used: $50.18
Apr, 2006

Mar, 2006

Mar, 2006
New: $152.95

Used: $21.47
Jan, 2006

Jan, 2009

Jan, 2009
New: $14.70

Jan, 2011

Jul, 2012

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