Shadow on the Stones

Tall Stones

Lady Kyra and Lord Khuren, priests of the Temple of the Sun, have guided their civilization to a time of spiritual strength, psychic energy, and communal peace. Yet there is a shadow on the Sacred Stones--the spreading influence of Groth, dark god of chaos and barbarity. Only the Temple priests have the means to resist the tide of destruction. And they must act soon--before Deva, the beautiful and headstrong daughter of Lady Kyra, is destroyed in its wake.This third novel in The Sacred Stones series brings vividly to life the ancient world of Bronze Age Britain, a time when it was believed that the cosmic energies of great standing stones could be directed toward good or manipulated for evil.

Booko found 9 book editions

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Nov, 2006

United Kingdom Oct, 2009

Oct, 1979

United States Jan, 1979

Sep, 1978

Jan, 1978

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