Wit'ch Fire

The Banned and the Banished

Wit'ch Fire grabs you in the first scene, and doesn't let go until the very end. This is the beginning of a new fantasy series--the Banned and the Banished--by first-time author James Clemens, but its sophistication and style are reminiscent of experienced fantasists such as Guy Gavriel Kay and George R.R. Martin. Elena is "the wit'ch of spirit and stone," born of a deadly alliance between three powerful mages in fulfillment of prophecy. But can she learn how to use her powers in time to resist the forces of the Dark Lord? She is joined in her battle by some unlikely allies, but the motley crew may be the only hope for a threatened world. Clemens handles plot and characterization deftly, but the addition of lots of un'neccesary apos'trophes to let you know you're reading a fantasy is a little distracting. Still, Wit'ch Fire is a fast-moving, entertaining read that's definitely worth your time.

Booko found 7 book editions

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Jun, 2016

Feb, 2002

Jul, 2010
New: $12.99

United Kingdom Jun, 2002

United States Mar, 1999

Jun, 1998

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