The Pizza House Crash

Georgina Powers

Julian Kirren hanged himself. Naked, except for a rubber mask and some over-tight Janet Raeger's. Accident or suicide? Hardly suicide, for he was due to take up an overpaid job in California's silicon valley.Georgina Powers, a journalist and Julian's cousin, doesn't believe he killed himself. Murder then? She is determined to find out. As a start, she hacks into his former employer's - a pizza house chain - computer system. Which is where things begin to get nasty. As she delves into the sinister world of computer trading, Georgina finds her life under threat from those who cannot afford to have their secrets exposed.

Booko found 7 book editions

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Jun, 2012

Jun, 2001

Dec, 1995

Used: $37.27

Jun, 2012
New: $155.21

Jun, 2001
New: $122.99

Used: $24.94
Jan, 1989
New: $29.68

Used: $17.49

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