A Girl's Guide to Vampires

A Girl's Guide To Vampires #1

Armed with only a wicked sense of humor and a bag of rune stones, an American woman untangles the threads involving a serial killer, vampires, and the handsome man who may or may not be what he appears.

Booko found 31 book editions

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Oct, 2011
New: $17.50

Jan, 2011

Jan, 2013
New: $30.89

Jan, 2013

Jan, 2013
New: $59.98

Dec, 2010
New: $59.92

Used: $22.22
Jun, 2010
New: $8.20

Jun, 2010
New: $11.43

Dec, 2009
New: $7.99

Dec, 2009
New: $7.99

Dec, 2007

Dec, 2007
New: $22.49

Used: $12.64
Jan, 2003
New: $170.61

Used: $13.95

Jan, 2008

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