Passing Fancy

Alien Nation

In an all-new "Alien Nation novel, a chance encounter with a mysterious woman from his past propels Detective Matt Sikes into an investigation of a lethal Newcomer drug, and forces the woman he loves to risk her life for someone she's never even met. Meanwhile, tension mounts between Sikes and his Newcomer partner, George Francisco, as each is forced to deal with the range of emotions evoked by this unusual case. As they delve deeper into the intricate maze of L.A.'s illegal drug market, Fransicso and Sikes discover that some Newcomers will do anything to assimilate into human society-- even face the horrifying and deadly consequences that could destroy them all.

Booko found 2 book editions

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Dec, 1994

Jan, 1995
New: $64.47

Used: $16.12

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