Taylor Swift Style: Fashion Through the Eras

Dazzling. Incomparable. Unforgettable. The definitive book of Taylor Swift's fashion evolution. For Taylor Swift, fashion and music go hand-in-hand - each playing a powerful role in shaping the narrative of this generation's most prolific storyteller. Red lipstick isn't just a makeup choice - it's the emblem of an era. A miniskirt isn't simply part of a cute outfit - it's a coat of armour. From cowboy boots to teetering heels, fairytale dresses to bleach-tinged tresses, and the many memorable moments in between, Taylor Swift Style tells the fashion story behind every single Taylor Swift album, tracing Swift's musical evolution along with her ever-changing personal style. From red carpet looks, to streetwear, to tour costumes, Sarah Chapelle of the successful Instagram and blog Taylor Swift Style has spent more than a decade documenting Swift's fashion choices and the intention behind each ensemble. Her deep dives into songs, lyrics and behind-the-scenes insights paint a portrait of a megastar who knows exactly what she is doing. Taylor Swift Style explains the 'why' behind Swift's outfits - the easter eggs and deeper meanings behind every hemline and haircut - that speak to the emotional context of each musical moment. With over two hundred photos dating from Swift's earliest days as a country singer in Nashville, up through the present, paired with insightful commentary, Taylor Swift Style is a one-of-a-kind keepsake and a must-have for Swifties.

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