Mokume Gane

Mokum? Gane is an ancient Japanese art whose translation means "wood grained metal". in this unusual and stunning art form, two or more metals are fused together to become one mass, which is then carved and forged into beautiful patterns, allowing the different colors of metal to show through. for centuries this art has been used to create gorgeous, colorful jewelry, dinnerware, vases and other objects. This practical handbook delves into the history of Mokum? Gane, discussing the challenges of the craft as well as the recent developments that have made the art easier to produce. Author Ian Ferguson, one of the world's leading Mokum? Gane practitioners, discusses the materials, technical information and equipment used in the process, sharing information on combinations of metals and a beautiful full-color gallery of finished Mokum? Gane pieces. the book features over 200 photos in all, with over 150 in vibrant color. ? Delves into the history of Mokum? Gane as an art form ? Discusses the materials, technical information and equipment used in the process ? Contains over 150 color photos, and a gallery of gorgeous finished Mokum? Gane pieces

Booko found 1 book edition and 1 video edition

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Jun, 2004

Mar, 2004
New: $104.67

Used: $217.82

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