
Sculptors use all sorts of materials, such as clay, plaster, wood, metals and plastics to create three-dimensional art. This wonderfully attractive book explores sculpture by looking at a wide variety of art including works by George Segal, Henry Moore, Bernini, Barbara Hepworth, Niki de Saint Phalle, Claes Oldenburg, Medardo Rosso, Deborah Butterfield, and Andy Goldsworthy. Inspired by the method used in galleries and museums in talking about art with children, readers are invited to look at the works and think about what the artists have done and why. Details in the works are pointed out and questions are posed for readers to think about. Outline information about the artists and the works (including a graphic representation of the works' relative sizes) are provided at the back of the book. A glossary and index are included. Ideal for curriculum work at KS2 and KS3, these books will inspire readers of 9-12 to look at art in new ways.

Booko found 4 book editions

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United States Aug, 2005

United Kingdom Sep, 2003

United Kingdom Sep, 1998

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