The Heart of Midlothian

Tales of My Landlord

Jeanie Deans, a dairymaid, decides she must walk to London to gain an audience with the Queen. Her sister is to be executed for infanticide and, while refusing to lie to help her case, Jeanie is desperate for a reprieve. Set in the 1730s in a Scotland uneasily united with England, The Heart of Mid-Lothian dramatizes different kinds of justice - that meted out by the Edinburgh mob in the lynching of Captain Porteous, and that encountered by a terrified young girl suspected of killing her baby. Based on an anonymous letter Scot received in 1817, this is the seventh and finest of Scott's 'Waverley' novels. It was an international bestseller and inspired succeeding novelists from Balzac to George Eliot.

Booko found 34 book editions

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Dec, 2017

Oct, 2015

Jun, 2015

Ireland Jan, 2013

Apr, 2012

Aug, 2009

Apr, 1989

Nov, 1982

Oct, 2015
New: $97.98

Oct, 2015
New: $76.99

Aug, 2015

May, 2010
New: $146.12

Dec, 2008
New: $29.17

Used: $26.25
Sep, 2006
New: $14.99

Aug, 2006
New: $74.99

Used: $106.71
Jul, 2006
New: $82.60

United Kingdom May, 2004
New: $205.33

Used: $227.97
Mar, 2004
New: $108.48

Apr, 1999
New: $343.64

Used: $21.11
United Kingdom Dec, 1994
New: $36.06

Used: $20.09
Nov, 1991
New: $31.99

Used: $14.29
Jun, 1977

Used: $80.58
Jan, 1976

Used: $14.00
Aug, 1974

Used: $38.16

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