The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution, 1770-1823

David Brion Davis's books on the history of slavery reflect some of the most distinguished and influential thinking on the subject to appear in the past generation. The Problem of Slavery in the Age of Revolution, the sequel to Davis's Pulitzer Prize-winning The Problem of Slavery in Western Culture and the second volume of a proposed trilogy, is a truly monumental work of historical scholarship that first appeared in 1975 to critical acclaim both academic and literary. This reprint of that important work includes a new preface by the author, in which he situates the book's argument within the historiographic debates of the last two decades.

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Mar, 1999
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Apr, 1999
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Apr, 1999
New: $47.54

Jan, 1999
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Used: $49.57
Jan, 1975
New: $174.30

Used: $35.26
United States Nov, 1899
New: $115.27

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