Consider the Ravens: On Contemporary Hermit Life

If you have ever wondered about how hermits live, or if you are an active participant in the eremitical life, then it's time to make this ultimate resource guide part of your book collection. Written by the editors of Raven's Bread, an international quarterly newsletter that provides guidance on hermit life, Consider the Ravens is a seminal study on eremitism as it has developed since the 1950s. Learn about All aspects of the vocation, including spiritual, practical, and juridical Hazards of the hidden life Practical recommendations for beginners in eremitical life Extensive citations from desert fathers and mothers Exploration of eremitical spirituality. Essentially, you'll learn about the eremitic life straight from the hermits themselves, and it's never an easy task to get their opinions and advice! The voices of many of today's hermits can now be heard loud and clear for the first time. Find the answers to your questions about a vocation as old as spirituality itself and discover why eremitism is becoming more popular than ever in Consider the Ravens.

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May, 2011

May, 2011

May, 2011
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