Harry and the bucketful of dinosaurs

Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs by Ian Whybrow is guaranteed to appeal to toddlers from 1+ who are fascinated by dinosaurs. The bright, attractive illustrations by Adrian Reynolds add lots of character.Harry's devotion to his dinosaur friends, discovered in Nan's attic, makes for a touching tale. Toddlers everywhere will identify with him when he realises they've gone missing, but, don't worry, all is not lost...

Booko found 9 book editions

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May, 2012

May, 2012

United Kingdom Sep, 2010

Jul, 2010
New: $21.23

Used: $20.44
United Kingdom Oct, 2008

Used: $14.59
United Kingdom Aug, 2004

United Kingdom Aug, 2003
New: $20.94

Used: $9.49
Aug, 2003
New: $138.56

Used: $13.16
Nov, 1999

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