Metric pattern cutting for menswear

Since the first edition was published in 1980, Metric Pattern Cutting for Menswear has become established as the standard work on this subject and has proved invaluable as both a textbook for students and a reference source for the practising designer. In this fourth edition, the chapter on computer aided design has been rewritten and extended to reflect the growing importance of CAD to the industry and as a part of fashion and design courses. The rest of the book has been updated where necessary: in particular, new blocks for tailored shirts, new details on how to adapt men’s blocks for women’s wear, and a revision of sizing and labelling information. The Author Winifred Aldrich is a practising designer who was formerly Professor of Clothing Technology at The Nottingham Trent University. She has written six books including Metric Pattern Cutting, Metric Pattern Cutting for Children’s Wear and Babywear, Fabric, Form and Flat Pattern Cutting and Pattern Cutting for Women’s Tailored Jackets. Also available from Blackwell Publishing Metric Pattern Cutting Winifred Aldrich Fourth Edition ISBN-10: 1 405 10278 0 ISBN-13: 978 1405 10278 0 Metric Pattern Cutting for Children’s Wear and Babywear Winifred Aldrich Third Edition ISBN-10: 0 632 05265 1 ISBN-13: 978 0632 05265 3 Fabric, Form and Flat Pattern Cutting Winifred Aldrich ISBN-10: 0 632 03917 5 ISBN-13: 978 0632 03917 3 Pattern Cutting for Women’s Tailored Jackets Winifred Aldrich ISBN-10: 0 632 05467 0 ISBN-13: 978 0632 05467 1 Fashion Source Book Kathryn McKelvey ISBN-10: 0 632 03993 0 ISBN-13: 978 0632 03993 7 Illustrating Fashion Kathryn McKelvey and Janine Munslow ISBN-10: 0632040246 ISBN-13: 978 0632 04024 7 Fashion Design Kathryn McKelvey and Janine Munslow ISBN-10: 0 632 05599 5 ISBN-13: 978 0632 05599 9

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