Sans Moi

A publishing phenomenon which has sold over 120,000 copies in France ..'Leaves you feeling better prepared for life . . . the deepest emotions and the most delicate feelings are evoked with an astonishing economy of means.' Paris Vogue ..When she needs a babysitter for her two children, the narrator of Sans Moi hires Olivia - recovering drug user, sometime prostitute, brought up in care. One might have thought she was adding to her burdens. But life is not just a question of the past, and people are not simply the products of their worst experiences. Confronted by the challenges of loneliness and change, the narrator realizes that Olivia has as much to give her as she has needs of her own. In the year they live together, companionship, intimacy and humour create a friendship full of vitality and mutual respect.

Booko found 6 book editions

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United States Apr, 2002

Oct, 2001

Feb, 2001

United Kingdom Sep, 2000

France Oct, 1999

Aug, 1998

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