
87th Precinct

When Poison leaves her home in the marshes of Gull to retrieve her infant sister who was snatched by the fairies, she and a group of unusual friends survive encounters with the inhabitants of various Realms, and Poison herself confronts a surprising desti

Booko found 18 book editions

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May, 2014

May, 2014
New: $8.11

Jan, 2013

Jan, 2013

Jan, 2013

Apr, 2008

May, 2013
New: $60.96

Used: $17.82
United Kingdom Apr, 2007

Used: $16.95
Nov, 2006

Sep, 2006
New: $143.47

Used: $24.33
Sep, 2005
New: $64.86

Used: $26.29
Jan, 2004
New: $228.74

Used: $15.92
Mar, 2003
New: $178.65

Used: $18.34
Jan, 2008

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