Peril and Peace

Publisher's info reads: Let history come to life--just the way it should be. Read the stories of Paul, Polycarp, Justin, Origen, Cyprian, Constantine, Athanasius, Ambrose, Augustine, John Chrysostom, Jerome, Patrick, and Benedict, people from the early and ancient church; discover the roots of Christianity. From the apostle Paul to Benedict you can discover how those in the early church still influence church today. In their lives you will see the young and developing church struggling and growing in a hostile and difficult world. Watch in amazement as a varied selection of people from different countries, cultures and times merge together to form the Christian church. Learn from their mistakes and errors but more importantly learn from their amazing strengths and gifts. Marvel at the incredible things accomplished by God in such a short space of time. Written in a modern and relaxed style this is a book that will introduce you to history without the tears and with all the wonder. There are longer chapters interspersed with short factual chapters. Extra features throughout this book look deeper into issues such as persecution; worship; creeds and councils and the formation of the Bible as well as a timeline. This is the first in a series intended to cover the history of the Christian church through its people. They are written with 9 to 14 year olds in mind....

Booko found 2 book editions

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Jul, 2010

Jan, 2006

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