House of Sixty Fathers Pb (Puffin Books)

THE HOUSE OF SIXTY FATHERSTien Pao is all alone in enemy territoy. Only a few days before, his family had escaped from the Japanese army, fleeing downriver by boat. Then came the terrible rainstorm. Tien Pao was fast asleep in the little sampan when the boat broke loose from its moorings and drifted right back to the Japanese soldiers. With only his lucky pig for company, Tien Pao must begin a long and dangerous journey in search of his home and family.A vividly realistic story of China during the early days of the Japanese invasion [which tells of young Tien Pao's journey to find his family].' -C.Valuable as enrichment literature for elementary students involved in Chinese studies.' -Scholastic Teacher.

Booko found 1 book edition

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United Kingdom Mar, 1971

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