The Hebrew Prophets

Fresh translation and facing-page annotations bring the compelling wisdom of the Hebrew prophets to life.Hundreds of commentaries and dozens of Bible translations make the Hebrew prophets available to modern-day readers, but most often these sources focus on history or apologetics, losing the reader who is searching for spiritual insight.The Hebrew Prophets: Selections Annotated & Explained makes the wisdom of these timeless teachers available to readers with no previous knowledge of the prophets. With fresh, contemporary commentary, Rami Shapiro reveals the central themes covered by all the prophets: moving from ignorance to wisdom, injustice to justice, cruelty to compassion and despair to joy.This unique look at the Hebrew Prophets sharpens the personal nature of their message and highlights their critique of the spiritual errors we all face in life, challenging readers to correct those errors and experience a life of awakening and joy.

Booko found 6 book editions

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Apr, 2011

Sep, 2010

Sep, 2010
New: $45.02

Jul, 2007

Jun, 2007
New: $45.45

Mar, 2005
New: $34.86

Used: $23.25

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