Harry and the Robots

Harry and His Bucket Full of Dinosaurs

Harry and his dinosaurs love birthday parties, so Harry's disappointed when big sister, Sam, says she's going to one - alone. Not only is it Mr Oakley's birthday, but Harry finds out that it's the dinosaurs' one hundred millionth birthday too! Harry decides to throw a surprise birthday party and soon even Sam helps to make the party treats. Mum invites Mr Oakley over and he is very surprised when he arrives; in fact, everyone agrees that it's the best birthday party ever!

Booko found 12 book editions

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Jun, 2009

Oct, 2001

Used: $11.87
Oct, 2001

Mar, 2001

Jul, 2000

May, 2009
New: $21.16

Used: $12.23
Oct, 2008
New: $41.57

Used: $20.16
Feb, 2006

Used: $23.91
United Kingdom Aug, 2003
New: $27.05

Used: $11.26
May, 2001
New: $136.27

Used: $25.71
Australia Nov, 2000

Aug, 2000
New: $554.21

Used: $13.30

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