The Cat Who Lived High

Cat Who series

Jim Qwilleran and his feline companions, Koko and Yum Yum, investigate the murder of Dianne Bessinger, the founder of an organization out to save an old apartment house, the Casablanca, from the real-estate developers who plan to tear it down

Booko found 20 book editions

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Feb, 2003

Mar, 1994

May, 1991

Mar, 2013
New: $11.99

Oct, 2008

Mar, 2001

Jun, 2000

Oct, 1999

Used: $55.80
Dec, 1991
New: $497.02

Used: $38.19
Nov, 1991

Oct, 1991
New: $21.74

Used: $12.95
May, 1991
New: $18.88

Used: $19.97
Apr, 1991
New: $75.73

Used: $97.37
Apr, 1991

Aug, 1990
New: $53.82

Used: $25.58

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