The Summer Fletcher Greel Loved Me

Four young people come of age in small-town Mississippi where racial tension lies just below the surface - as does an unknown body in a shallow grave. Fletcher Greel, the Judge's son, is home for the summer; he falls instantly for beautiful Haley who has broken the heart of every boy in town. Fletcher's oldest friend Riley has fallen for a black girl called Crystal. Intoxicated by blues and whiskey and the new-found freedoms of late adolescence, the four of them are bold and rash and in love. But they live in a place where old attitudes die hard. As the summer wanes, disapproval of Riley and Crystal's romance takes a hateful and violent turn, and Haley's secrets surface with frightening results. Rich with unforgettable characters and smouldering sexual tension, THE SUMMER FLETCHER GREEL LOVED ME captures all the intensity and exhilaration of young love and rebellion.

Booko found 3 book editions

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United Kingdom Sep, 2003

Jun, 2002

United States Mar, 2002

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