
Brendan Early and Dana Moon have tracked renegade Apaches together and gunned down scalp hunters to become Arizona legends. But now they face each other from opposite sides of what newspapers are calling the Rincon Mountain War. Brendan and a gang of mining company gun thugs are dead set on running Dana and "the People of the Mountain" from their land. The characters are unforgettable, the plot packed with action and gunfights from beginning to end.

Booko found 13 book editions

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Aug, 2013
New: $34.79

Used: $24.54
Nov, 2010

Nov, 2010

Oct, 2009

Oct, 2009

Sep, 2002
New: $18.09

Used: $18.38
Sep, 2002

Oct, 1987
New: $79.59

Used: $23.40
Jul, 1985

Used: $22.03
Jun, 1985

Used: $29.06
Jan, 1979

Apr, 1989
New: $154.40

Used: $29.47

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