Daddy's gone a-hunting


Set in New Orleans in 1938, "Daddys Gone A-Hunting" presents a city that is rigidly separated along racial lines. Wesley Farrell is a black nightclub owner who can pass for white. He hones his skills as a private investigator on the side. Another black nightclub owner, Carol Donovan, asks Farrell for help. She claims a local gangster named Archie Badeaux is harassing her and trying to put her out of business.

Booko found 6 book editions

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Jan, 1999

Apr, 2008
New: $38.35

Used: $42.07
Jul, 2000

Used: $29.44
Aug, 1996

Used: $51.61
Mar, 1994

Used: $18.79
Jun, 1975

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