The Artist, the Cook, and the Gardener: Recipes Inspired by Painting from the Garden

Great artists and great cooks have long been inspired by gardens and the many sensory gifts they provide. Similarly, cooks from Julia Child to Jamie Oliver have taken culinary inspiration from homegrown or fresh local produce. Artist Maryjo Koch explores the centuries-old tradition of artists taking inspirations from gardens in a new cookbook inspired by her own studio garden. Divided into four chapters and inspired by the seasons, artists, cooks, and gardeners alike will find tips, recipes, and painting projects centred on seasonal food pairings. For example, the winter garden focuses on soups with offerings like Minestrone with Crumbled Bacon, while Springtime brings culinary attention to leafy greens such as Flower Petal Salad. As the seasons' bounty progresses, the painting subjects and menus change as well, invented with whatever is freshest and most beautiful in the garden.

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