In Other Words

From the bestselling Pulitzer Prize winner: a stunning non-fiction debut, written in Italian: a memoir about her encounters living, speaking and writing in a language not her own - her most intimate, revealing and exciting book to date.

Booko found 17 book editions

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May, 2022

Aug, 2018

Feb, 2016

Feb, 2016

Feb, 2016

Feb, 2016

Jan, 2016

Feb, 2017
New: $25.38

Used: $23.41
Feb, 2017
New: $30.27

Used: $24.19
Feb, 2016
New: $11.05

Feb, 2016
New: $18.39

Feb, 2016

Used: $30.92
Feb, 2016
New: $50.71

Used: $42.80

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