Styling for Instagram

Instagram is a rich source of inspiration and aspiration. Its easy to set up an account, but to really master it, and gain a significant following you need two things: a strong personal brand and an aspirational style that people will want to emulate. This book will help you achieve both. Written by renowned Instagram expert and photographer Leela Cyd, this book is packed with beautiful images as well as her sage advice for certain Instagram success. With sections on creating the perfect composition, finding the unique angle, and capturing scenes and places, this book covers all you need to know about getting the shots that work.

Booko found 5 book editions

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Mar, 2018
New: $14.99

Mar, 2018
New: $25.19

Used: $23.05
Mar, 2018
New: $20.28

Feb, 2018
New: $47.34

Used: $21.94
Feb, 2019

Used: $38.60

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