Bliss Brain: The Neuroscience of Remodeling Your Brain for Resilience, Creativity, and Joy

Renowned researcher Dawson Church examines stunning scientific evidence that shows how, in just eight weeks of practice, 12 minutes a day, we can produce measurable changes in our brains that make us calmer, happier and more resilient. The startling conclusions of Dawson's research on neuroplasticity show that stress circuits actually shrivel over time while our 'Enlightenment Circuit' - associated with happiness, productivity, resilience - expands. In this book, he explores how deep meditation releases 'the 7 neurochemicals of ecstasy' in our brains; some of these include the 'bliss molecule' anandamide, which boosts serotonin and dopamine, creating a self-induced high. Our brain literally has the power to make us feel happier, calmer, more creative and compassionate. While writing Bliss Brain, Dawson went through a series of disasters, including escaping a California wildfire that consumed his home and triggered a painful medical condition as well as financial disaster for him. Through it all, he steadily practised the techniques of Bliss Brain while teaching them to thousands of people. This book blends his story of resilience with neuroscience, producing a fascinating picture of just how happy we can make our brains, no matter the odds.

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