Brexit, No ExitWhy Britain Won't Leave Europe

The UK's Brexit vote in 2016 and the inconclusive general election just 12months later have unleashed a wave of chaos and uncertainty - on the eveof formal negotiations with the EU. Denis MacShane - former MP and Europe minister under Tony Blair - hasa unique insider perspective on the events that led to the Brexit vote andultimately to Theresa May's ill-fated election gamble of June 2017. He argues that Brexit will not mean full rupture with Europe and thatBritish business will overcome the rightwing forces of the Conservativeback-benches and UKIP, which have already been weakened by the latestelection., Although negotiations with the EU may prove excruciating,Britain cannot and will not divorce itself from the continent of Europe. Indeed, the European question will remain the defining political issue ofour time.

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