The Little Book Of Bananas: The baking trend of 2022, here are deliciously easy, budget-friendly banana-based recipes for beginners
Sally El-Arifi
OVER 80 DELICIOUS IDEAS FOR YOUR FAVOURITE BANANA RECIPES Sweet or savoury, the humble banana can be elevated to new heights to create innovative and mouth-watering dishes. Rustle up a scrumptious red Thai banana curry or some delectable green banana fries. Or if you're craving something classic, treat yourself to some banoffee cupcakes or kick back with a banana martini. Sally El-Arifi is a baker and chocolatier. She guides you through classic pairings as well as modern twists to showcase the versatility of the beloved fruit, from the parts you love to the parts you would usually throw away. The Little Book of Bananas packs a punch with recipes for every occasion, whatever the season.
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